Thursday, February 20, 2020


The big problem with electing Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nominee for President is that he is so similar to Donald Trump.  What, what, you say?   Consider:

1. Both are grumpy old men.
2. Both want to eliminate the ACA (Obamacare).  This is the most important political similarity.

3. Both have a fanatical base.
4. Both flipped on gun control (Sanders feels that gun industry should not be liable for what is done with thier product.)
5. Both are for major infrastructure programs (though Trump has never really pursued this goal).
6. Both are for "fair" trade, not "free" trade.
7. Both say they are for saving Social Security (though some Trump actions seem to belie this).
8. Both oppose North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
9. Both opposed the Iraq War.
10. Both are against science. 
11. Both oppose the U.S. being the World's policeman.

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