Saturday, February 15, 2020


Many African Americans, particularly on TV (like al Sharpton), think that Mike Bloomberg isn't qualified to be president unless he does something meaningful about his "former" view on Stop and Frisk.  They have talked about resitution, for example.*  I'm not sure how you would do this and would it ever be enough?  I'm really surprised at the ferosity of the attacks on TV.

I am not African American, but I have always been afraid of the police and have been very careful to be very polite around them.  I have had several minor run ins with the police, mostly driving infractions.  I had one where I was picked up by police for trespassing on the grounds of a women's college.  They drove me around for quite awhile, put the fear of God in me, and let me loose.

I was afraid of what might come next so I told my father about the incident, and he didn't seem very disturbed, no yelling or anything.  So far as I can tell, my subsequent life was not impacted by this event or any of the traffic violatons, though some I thought were unfair.

So what would the long-term impact be on me if I was Stoppped And Frisked?  I didn't have a gun and didn't take any drugs.  In my time, there was some pot use (called reefers), but I didn't know of anyone who took heroin, cocane, or other addictive drugs other than pot, smoking or alcohol consumption.  Inicdentally, I didn't smoke or drink alcolic drinks either.

I think I would have just shrugged it off.  If I was repeatedly stopped and frisked, I may have been more emotionally affected, especially if force was used, but I was already very fearful of police.  I used to carry a mall swtich blade before they were outlawed (and even after until the spring broke).  I'm not sure what would have happened if frisked.

An interesting statistic was that police found a knife in only about one percent of Blacks being frsiked.  I'm really surprised it was not much, much more.  I carry a knife, not for any offensive or defensive purposed but to lpen things like beer cans (to lift the flip top) or trim my finger nails or open packages or such things.

I believe less intrusive things have proved a better way to decrease crime.

* I have been unable to find any Bloomberg donations to Black insitutions such as Hisotroical Black Colleges, but he had made meaningful donations to help low income students which I presume include Black low-inocmone students as well as other races.
 Bloomberg Philanthropies focuses on driving public policy initiatives and education leadership at a local level as a means to improving America's school system. To date, the organization's education giving has been split between charitable, legislative and political initiatives.[78] In October 2014, Bloomberg Philanthropies launched a $10 million program to help top-performing students from low- and middle-income families apply to and graduate from the nation's top colleges.[79] By December 2016, it pledged to give $1.7 million to the American Talent Initiative, a program run by the College Excellence Program at the Aspen Institute and Ithaka S+R, a consulting subsidiary of Ithaka Harbors

 In March 2013, Bloomberg Philanthropies announced Providence, R.I. as the winner of the Mayors Challenge, an initiative intended to foster innovation in America's cities. Providence was awarded $5 million for proposing a plan to overcome a language skills deficit prominent in low-income children. Houston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Santa Monica each were awarded $1 million.[68]

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