Monday, July 22, 2019


Well, I hadn't realized it but, much to my surprise, straws are a political issue.  Donald Trump is selling red plastic straws with his name etched on them - 10 for $15 that's $1.50 ea!.  My bendable paper straws are $09 ea. (see the end for some examples)  Straight straws are even less for the same quantities.  Donald wouldn't be lining his pockets again, would he?

The straws as advertised are nine inches long and bright red — the same shade as Trump’s ubiquitous “Make America Great Again” baseball caps — and they’re branded with a laser-engraved “TRUMP” on one end. The description touts the straws as being reusable, recyclable, BPA-free and made in America.
Biodegradable paper straws have grown in popularity — but they’re often criticized for dissolving or affecting the taste of beverages.*

Trump says paper straws don't work.  I have used only paper straws or no straws since this last Earth Day (April 20th).  People that say they go mushy are lying.  I have ordered paper straws from three different companies and they are all good.  I have my hospital mug that holds 3-1/4 cups of water.  I sip water all day and night using a paper straw, and it is still good the next day.  I use paper straws mainly for water in a large mug and iced tea and do not detect any change in flavor with these uses.

One mother says her children make quick work of paper straws.  Come on Ma, I could make as quick work of a plastic staw as I did a paper straw when I was a kid.  I grew up before plastic straws.

I understand that the people for plastic straws aren't interested in why they are bad for the oceans.  For one reason plastic straws are so light they do not get separated into other plastic items like  plastic plates or bottles (These are recyclable, Donald, and do not go into the ocean with garbage.** I had a deck made of Trex** recovered plastic, e.g grocery shopping bags.  It required no maintenance.) so straws stay with the trash.  I'm surprised but they get dumped into the ocean with the garbage.

When plastic does make it into the ocean it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces known as “microplastics” rather than biodegrading or dissolving, which poses great threats to marine life including fish.***

I have to say that I saw a series of tweets mainly from people who ordered the Trump straws because they wanted to "stick it" to liberals. This doesn't sound very adult to me, but I guess it is where we are. They feel so strongly that they are willing to pay $1.50 for a Trump straw whereas a paper straw will cost 9 cents or less per straw. I can see buying an order as a collector's item by a Trump lover, but to pay that kind of money to stick it to liberals is incredible.

I would say the hierarchy of what should be done is:
Drink directly from the glass (best)
Use stainless steel straws (need occasional cleaning)
Use paper straws (disposable)
Use plastic straws as a last resort (worst)


Some examples of paper straws I have tried.
Bendable paper straws (unwrapped) - 100 for $8.99

Wrapped paper straws - 200 for 7>99

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