Thursday, August 23, 2018


I think that Omarosa is one of the "don't tread on me" types.  I've known several women and men that are that way. I think President Trump needs to watch out.  Last night I saw a recording Omarosa made of Michael Cohen getting abroad the campaign plane.  Even recorded him walking down the isle.  She has written three books, the most recent being Unhinged, a book I have not read.

The clip mentioned above is the 3rd that Omarosa has released.  The first was a recording of the Chief Of Staff firing her, and the 2nd was of a Trump offering her a phony position in the election campaign that paid $180/yr.

I will not fully document* the comments below, but you may verify them through Goggle or Ask.
Omarosa got married in early April, 2017, to a Baptist Pastor.   She was previously married early in the century for 5 yrs, and her recent fiance actor Michael Clarke Duncon died in 2012.
Omarosa served as an assistant pastor at Weller Street Missionary Baptist Church.
Omarosa has a Master's degree in religion and is an ordained Baptist minister.
She had a brother who was murdered in 2011.

 Her current husband worked on Obama's campaign.
After her unsuccessful experience in the Democratic Clinton regime where she first worked for Al Gore where she was considered to be a problem and transferred to the Commerce Dept., Omarosa became a Republican.  She had a long experience with Donald Trump beginning with the TV show The Apprentice.  Her flattery of Donald Trump got her into the transition team and later in the president's administration.  Since Omarosa says she resigned, I won't comment further about her experiences there other than to say they seem to have been rocky (see Wikipedia reference).

She is said to be worth over $4 million.

I do find it interesting that she managed to serve in both a Democratic and a Republican administration.


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