Tuesday, March 24, 2015


“Imagine in 2017, a new president signing legislation repealing every word of Obamacare,” the Texas Republican said Monday during a speech at Liberty University in Virginia.*

This quote is among the many "Imagine" statements made by Sen. Ted Cruz's candidacy speech for the Republican nomination for president.  He has said it before, of course, and in fact he led the way to shutting down the government in an attempt to abolish the ACA in 2012.  There are even conservatives who wonder what Ted Cruz is FOR. Well, is he for repealing the right of students to be on their parents health plan to the age of 26.  Is he for letting insurance companies refuse health insurance to people because of preexisting conditions.  Is he for letting insurance companies changing things they insure during mid-contract.  These and others are things he is FOR.

Well let the record show that Obamacare has survived for five years in spite of such attacks.  The problem is that Obamacare does need reforms (It should be single payer, for one example) and Cruz's attacks only serve to delay honest reforms. But Cruz does not want a good ACA.  He wants no control of medical practices at all.

Suppose Cruz is elected president and repeals Obamacare, what does he do next?  Will he get rid of Medicare D, or emergency rooms having to take all comers?**  Or because these liberal initiatives were made by Republican presidents are they all right, even though they are not paid for?

* http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/mar/23/white-house-scoffs-ted-cruzs-obamacare-repeal-vow/
** Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, which requires hospitals to serve patients in urgent need, and the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA, which allows individuals to keep paying for coverage if they lose their insurance. In addition, with almost no support from his own cabinet, Reagan added catastrophic care to Medicare toward the end of his presidency, though the provision was later repealed. ..... George W. Bush pushed for and signed the expansion of Medicare to include prescription drug coverage. (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/sep/05/julian-castro/julian-castro-says-seven-presidents-barack-obama-s/)

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