Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Like so many people, I was originally shocked at the thought of Gay Marriage, but as time went on I thought, "Well here is a group of people fighting to get into an institution where heterosexual people aren't doing very well."   So I changed.  It also occurred to me that at least these people are not out to get your daughter pregnant.  So my viewpoint changed completely.  I don't recall just what year my change occurred, but maybe in 2001.  I came to think that some small percentage of people are born with their mental wiring different from most.*  Because it has been found to be so difficult to change this wiring, it is probably hard wired.  As to the question of can homosexuality be acquired, I think it is probably so.
For example I have heard of women who became lesbians because of a or repeated  failures in heterosexual love, including a book of the bible (Ruth**) regarding the love of Ruth and Naomi..  Perhaps some men suffer from a similar problem.

So now Indiana has passed a Religious Freedom Restoration Act that was signed by the governor Mike Spence presumably based on Christian religious teachings.****  Unlike somewhat similar laws passed by 20 other states, the Indiana law permits discrimination of gays by for-profit businesses.***  What surprises me is that the Republican governor and the state legislature are surprised that there is a big uproar over this difference.  I guess many (not all) Republicans just talk to each other with similar opinions and seem to be continually surprised at the uproar over their views.  Recall the Republican politicians who claimed that women who are raped are protected from pregnancy, or, if they get pregnant, it is God's will.

Although there are a number of factions in the Republican Party, the religious right seems to dominate today, a matter that concerns me.

* http://stopcontinentaldrift.blogspot.com/2014/06/wiring-of-brain.htm.  For a contrary view see: http://www.euro-tongil.org/swedish/english/ehomo2.htm
** http://www.wouldjesusdiscriminate.org/biblical_evidence/ruth_naomi.html
*** http://www.christianbiblereference.org/faq_homosexuality.htm
**** http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/26/indiana-governor-mike-pence-anti-gay-bill_n_6947472.html

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