Thursday, December 19, 2019


President Trump is impeached.  For one thing, he encouraged and accepted the involvement of a foreign power in our presidential election.  He not only asked Russia to find the 30,000 missing e-mails by Hillary Clinton but also said he would accept "oppo" research if offered by a foreign power (He used Norway as a theoretical example.).  For another, he used U.S. military weapon aid to a foreign power to coerce them to start an investigation into one of his political opponents.

What President Trump has done is a textbook example of what the Founding Fathers of our country feared.
When the Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia during the 1787 Constitutional Convention, they represented a loosely held confederacy of Atlantic states recently freed from British rule. If the American experiment was going to work, the founding fathers knew that they had to insulate their new republic from deep-pocketed interests and old alliances from Europe.
If the United States was going to be different, the framers needed a founding document that fully recognized and defended against the corrupting influence of foreign money and power, particularly on the president.*

The use of U.S. aid to coerce favors from foreign governments may yet be a step too far because the aid was finally sent before the promise.

I have written about the Decline Of American Politics before.**  What we are seeing is the continued decline, mainly imposed by Republicans.  So encouraging foreign powers to become involved in our presidential elections seems to be the next step in this decline.  The impeachment is an attempt to stop this but is it too late?

If it is, I wonder what foreign posers might prefer the Democrats over the Republicans?  I can imagine that the Chinese might favor the Democrats and most assuredly the Iranians to counter the Russians, Saudi Arabia, and Israelies that favor the Republican Party.  Other possibilities of countries favoring the Democrats are the UK, France, and Germany.

I could be wrong about Israel, however, as nine members of the U.S. Senate are Jewish (No Republicans) including the minority party leader, Chuck Schumer.  In addition, there are 26 members of the House that are Jewish with only two that are Republican.  The Israel Prime Minister clearly would favor the Republicans (and the Republicans brought him to the U.S. to denounce the Iranian nuclear bomb treaty.).  President Trump not only has recognized Jerusalem as the Isreal capital and moved our embassy there but also supported Israel's claim to the Golan Heights.

Another thing that Netanyahu and Trump have in common is that both are indicted for bribery and other charges in the same year.****  The American impeach is the same as an indictment.


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