Thursday, October 18, 2018


It occurs to me that in the recent battle over a Supreme Court nomination, that the Democrats fought a battle worthy of Republicans, though their efforts were doomed from the start.  As Bill Clinton said, Republicans like to fall into line.  I think that a lot of current Democrats appreciated that their Party fought back.  Old timers like me liked it better when Democrats were the adults in the room, but they were being run over, again and again.  So at least they gave it a try in fighting back.  It doesn't work if one political party has to do all the compromising.

Barack Obama was a compromiser, but found to get 20% of what he wanted, he had to give the Republicans 89% of what they wanted.  so that couldn't last and we had a scorched Earth policy by the Republicans.

Perhaps as a result of the fight , Kavanaugh might moderate his positions a bit, but I doubt it.  I don't see that Clarence Thomas moderated his positions at all.

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