Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Perhaps America is slowly, very slowly, coming to grips with out current political problems.  Just this last week our president gave a speech at the U.S. that was well received, though I was distracted by all the bullying  statements in it.  Then he stepped all over it with a large number of comments and tweets slashing right and left.  It seems it he does something considered good, he has to make up for it by intemperate talk and writing afterward.

Confidence among America's small-business owners has slipped since April, according to the latest CNBC/SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey, released Monday.
The survey's Small Business Confidence Index fell from 60 in the second quarter to 57 in the third quarter. The index is calculated on a scale from 0–100 and is based on the responses to eight survey questions. A zero indicates no confidence, and a score of 100 indicates perfect confidence. An index value of 57 means that business owners on the whole are more optimistic than they are pessimistic about the direction their business will head over the next 12 months.The slight dip in confidence is the result of sharp decreases in the number of small-business owners who are optimistic about the impact of changes in tax, trade, regulatory and immigration policy over the next 12 months.*

(click on figure to enlarge)

Only 27 percent of respondents say they expect changes in government regulations to have a positive effect on their business over the next 12 months. That's down from 38 percent who said the same in April, while the number saying regulation will have a negative impact on their business rose from 26 percent to 30 percent.

On tax policy, 31 percent now say changes will have a positive impact, down from 42 percent in April. Those saying changes in trade policy will have a positive impact declined from 27 percent in April to just 18 percent in August.

* https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/25/confidence-in-trump-drops-on-main-street-even-among-conservatives.html

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