Monday, June 27, 2016


So countries breaking up into smaller entities* continues with Great Britain voting to leave the European Union.  It leaves me limp.  No one knows how this will end.  Scotland may have another vote to leave the U,K and it may well succeed because they voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU.  Northern Ireland may break off to join Ireland.  In the end, Britain may end up with a looser European economy.

It seems like lots of Brits voted for breakup as a protest vote and now are shocked at what they have done so there is a movement to have yet another vote that is being resisted.

Incidentally, it isn't Middle Eastern immigration that was the problem but free movement of people within the EU.  Foreign born people in the UK doubled since 1990.  But this is no problem in the U.S.  California and Texas welcome immigrants from other states and, in fact, brag about it.   Of course they speak the same language pretty well.  California is considered the "Golden State" for sure.  It was populated largely by the radical distillate from the Mid-West, both the far right and far left.  There is some movement to Texas because of taxes by people who don't care so much about their environment (Texas has no mountains to speak of and lots of desert and most of the population is inland from the ocean.).  One can expect this talk to resume if Hillary is elected President.

Will this have any effect on the U.S. where people are also saying they want their country back.*  Will Texas want to secede?  There are those in Texas that talk about this a lot.  And there are those in California that want the state broken up into six states.  Everything is kind of nervous right now.

* Consider the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia among others.  Perhaps the big exception is the reuniting of East and West Germany.

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