Wednesday, December 12, 2012


It may come as a suprise to many people, but Michigan has a long history of voting Republican in spite of the large factory worker population.  In fact, they only started voting Democratic for president with the Clinton presidency in 1992 ( and did vote for President Obama in 2012.  The two Senators from Michigan are the well known Carl Levin and the lesser known Debbie Stabenow, both Democrats and the national Representatives are close with 8 Republicans and 7 Democrats.  Thus in national offices, Michigan is Democratic overall, the state Senate, though, is something else with 26 Republicans and only 12 Democrats to total 38 members.*  The state House of Representatives is almost as one sided with 63 Republicans and 47 Democrats to total 110 members.**  The governor is also Republican.

With such a state Republican makeup, it should be no surprise that Michigan has become a Right To Work State.  Not long ago, the state legislature was dominated by Democrats.  The switch came in 2010, when, I guess, workers became disillusoned with the lack of economic progress under the Democrats and redistricting may have played a part also.

A detailed strategy of the Republican move to make Michigan a Right to Work State, is given at:

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