Saturday, December 8, 2012


It is hard not to cheer Jim DeMint , Senator from South Carolina, leaving the Senate for the Heritage Foundation.  He will finally get his chance to do what many Republicans talk about when "serving" in politics, to leave it and make some "real money."  My caution is that we don't know who will replace him.  Unfortunately, there is no bottom of the barrel and things can get worse.  After all DeMint had some redeeming graces, i.e. he approved of abortion to save the life of the mother, though he disapproved of it in cases of rape and incest.  Of course, he opposes health care for the masses.  He also doesn't want gays and single mothers to teach in our schools.  He has been a negative critic of what others propose and was not a legislator, and he opposed our president at every turn.

Can he develop being head of the Heritage Foundation into a political powerhouse?  Are the days of the heritage foundation being a conservative think tank over?  Time will tell.  After all, the most powerful Republicans seem to be outside of political offices.  Consider Grover Norquist and Rush Limbaugh.  Although he  backed some conservative winners for the Senate, he also backed kooky losers, the likes of Todd Akin, Sharron Angle, Ken Buck, Richard Murdock, and Christine O'Donnell.  There are those who feel DeMint lost the Senate for the Republicans through these backings.  Well, at least he didn't back Linda McMahon who personally lost the Republican Party TWO Senate seats!

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