Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Did anyone think that the outcome of the Super Committee would be different from what occurred? Though the Super Committee is widely viewed as a failure, I don't think so. What they did was decide after considerable thought that the $1.2 billion automatic sequester of funds from the military and the discretionary budget was the best plan. After all, the Republican Party is all about increasing or at least preserving the wealth of the wealthy. So given the choice of having a tax increase on the wealthy or decreasing the military, neither of which they like, it is only natural that they would chose decreasing the military budget. The Democrats feature themselves as the party of the people so, given a choice of decreasing entitlements unless there is a tax increase on the wealthy or decreasing the discretionary budgets, neither of which they like, they would choose to decrease the discretionary budgets. All this was obvious from the beginning (http://stopcontinentaldrift.blogspot.com/2011/08/debt-ceiling-compromise-effects.html). Why is anyone surprised?

Of course, now efforts will be expended to overthrow the sequester. President Obama, however, has said that he would veto any attempts to do so. This seems to be an indication that he prefers the sequestration also.

I think that at least the age for early Social Security should be raised from 62 to 64, now that the age for full social Security has been raised from 65 to 67. I think anyone would be a fool not to take early Social Security. For heaven's sake, you get five years of reduced Social Security payments to do something with. Say you are getting $1,000/mo at the reduced rate, you will have accumulated at least $60,000 (assuming no COLA) before you would be eligible for regular Social Security.

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