Saturday, September 7, 2019


President Trump our resident climate-change expert said that Hurricane Dorian was going to hit Alabama.  Of course, the NOAA service in Alabama (deep state) said forget it, Dorian is too far East.  But who are we to believe: our fake news government or our President who is always right?

Naturally, many of we Alabamans chose the President so we boarded up our homes and some vacated to northeastern Florida for safety.  In spite of the fact that the NOAA political appointees* backed our President rather than its NOAA  experts, the Hurricane didn't do any damage in Alabama after all.  No doubt just a lucky call by NOAA scientists who don't know anything.

Sorry that those of you that migrated to northeastern Florida, like Jacksonville,** to avoid the hurricane got all wet.  So it goes.  Must have been a separate storm as Dorian was down in southern Alabama.

Oh, and those of you who canceled vacation trips to southern Alabama can reschedule now, if it is not too late.

* I'm not surprised at the Lilly Livered political appointees at NOAA for not backing up their scientists.  I grew to hate political appointees in my 34 yr career with the Federal government - either party.  Few if any know anything about the job they are appointed to and much of what they think they know is wrong.  Most just want to get the job on their resumes and leave in six months or so, about when they are finding out what their job is to do.  That doesn't mean they don't try is mess things up while they are there, however.

There are some appointment mistakes made, for sure, and you do get a few competent people into jobs with the government and some others who at least mean well. ***  These people are rarely appreciated by the administration, however.  One good example to Jerome Powell of the Federal Reserve who is trying to do a good job and is continuously lambasted by the administration for doing this.  A couple more are Gina Haspel of the CIA and Christopher Wray of the FBI.  A pleasant surprise to me was Former Republican Sen. Dan Coats who seemed to try very hard to do a good job.


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