Sunday, June 16, 2019


At the end of April this year I published what is now Part I of this title.*  The basis of this is the President misusing his authorities for National Emergency and Immigration.  Nothing better explains this than Trump putting a tariff on Canadian steel and aluminum by declaring them a National Security Threat..**

Trump ignoring laws continues to escalate.  It seems that Trump is getting ready to fire his handpicked chairman of the Federal Reserve because he won't lower interest rates to take the pressure off of Trump's adjustable rate loans.***  A 1924 law gives the House Ways and Means Committee the ability to request tax returns from the Treasury Department to be reviewed in closed session and Trump refuses to do so.***

Then Kellyann Conway, for example, violates the Hatch Act that says that government employees can't get involved in political campaigning, and then she jokes about it because Trump refuses to fire her.  Danielle Pletka on Meet The Press said that the Hatch Act is a joke and congressmen violate it all the time by making calls for money from their offices.  But when I worked for the government I can assure you that, for people at my level, the Hatch Act was no joke.

Then, of course, Trump says it is all right for him to accept "oppo" research from foreigners.  Should one be surprised at this?  Even when Trump tried to walk this back he only said he would report bad things to the FBI whereas any contact should be reported.
[Head of the Federal Election Commission, Ellen] Weintraub tried to clarify: “Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election.”
“This is not a novel concept,” she wrote. “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”****

Some action has begun on some of the dictatorial actions by {President Trump.  The House Oversight and Reform Committee has voted to hold Attorney General Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilber Ross in contempt for not providing information of the census citizenship question.   This would be the second Contempt holding, but both Civil and Contempt charges, on the Attorney General who was also recently held in Civil Contempt along with former White House Council Don McGahn concerning release to Congress of an unredacted copy of the Mueller Report.


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