Sunday, April 28, 2019


I thought it couldn't happen in America, but it has.  Right now, President Trump has imposed his dictatorial tendencies upon the country.  How this has happened is shocking.  Republicans in the Senate refuse to act so that the President is disregarding laws and subpoenas with impunity.

The Democratic House can take him to court, of course, but this is estimated to consume years and:

1.) What could the autocrat Trump do to make the Senate Rebulicans act?

Suppose the Supreme Court rules that Trump must turn over his 6 yrs of taxes legally requested by a House committee and the President still refuses?  What then?  Would the Senate Republicans act?    If they wouldn't, here is one answer to this question:
Courts also have limited power to implement the decisions that they make. For example, if the president or another member of the executive branch chooses to ignore a ruling, there is very little that the federal courts can do about it.*

For example, the Supreme Court ruled against the removal of the Cherokee from their native lands in 1831. President Andrew Jackson disagreed. He proceeded with the removal of the Cherokee, and the Supreme Court was powerless to enforce its decision.*
In other words, there is a case where a Supreme Court verdict was ignored without retribution; however, even President Nixon obeyed a unanimous verdict by the Supreme Court that he turn over the tapes.  But then I think that the autocrat Trump admires Andrew Jackson.

If the Attorney General tried to do something (unlikely in the present case**), the President could fire him and continue to fire others until someone was found that would do nothing (as happened with Nixon and the Saturday Night Massacre.).

2.) Suppose President Trump is both Impeached and Convicted but refuses to leave office.  Could he be forcibly removed?  The constitution has nothing to say about this.  My guess is that the Secret Service would stay loyal to America and would forcibly surrender him.  If the Secret Service stays loyal to the President, getting him out of the White House could be a problem.  It could become a real mess, perhaps starve him out, but what about all the innocent people inside.  Well, I don't want to pursue this one further. (

3.) Since our president likes the Dictator of Russia Putin so much (some refer to the Russification of America), what if he started to shoot newsmen on 5th Ave.?  Lest you think I am going bonkers, this actual topic has actually been considered before me and not just once.*** And here is one concerning President Trump shooting Michael Cohn.****

The number of analysts who are saying that the president of the U.S. has unlimited power while in office (i.e. a dictator/autocrat) seems overwhelming and into an agreement with our current president becoming a Dictator.  And as Michael Cohen said, “I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power. And this is why I agreed to appear before you today,”  (  It turns out that our form of Democracy is very fragile.

** We are told that the present Attorney General is about to release the  guy who tried to bomb a number of Democratic Party leaders so why would he oppose the president over a paltry Supreme Court decision.

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