Thursday, April 26, 2018


Well, there are plenty of reasons for President Trump to be impeached, but I don't like this coming so soon after the impeachment of Bill Clinton.  So I conclude we should put up with him, controlling his worst impulses as best we can.  After all, WE (not me, not you) elected this guy and there are few surprises.  I am more worried about Trump on foreign policy than domestic issues.

Frankly, nearly all Trump's domestic choices have been orthodox Republican views.  Anyone of the 16 Republican presidential candidates would probably have chosen the same Supreme Court Justice as Trump did (Gorsuch).  Anyone of the 16 candidates would have signed the tax bill.  Anyone of the 16 would be for broad deregulation (I presume but am less sure of this.).

Perhaps the big difference Trump and many other Republican politicians come on trade.  I think the orthodox Republican stance is for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and for NAFTA, for examples.  I am sure that many Republican politicians would not pursue the destruction of the legal system, State Department, FBI, and other government institutions as Trump has done.

There are issues that I don't know if all the Republican candidates for president would have undertaken so vigorously, for example pursuing the Muslim ban.  I hope not, but don't know about this as it certainly is popular with the Republican base.  I do suppose that most elected Republican politicians would be anti-Hispanic.

Republicans like to keep illegal immigration as an issue and actually want to keep it that way and really don't want a solution (e.g. the 2013 bipartisan immigration bill that passed the Senate with 67 votes but wasn't taken up by the House).  The Wall on our southern border with Mexico is very popular with the Republican base.

All elected Republicans are Pro-Life.  There are very good Republican politicians who are for Choice (e.g. Condoleezza Rice, Michael Bloomberg), but they can't run for President because of the Pro-Life litmus test.*

A problem with pro-life is that it brings many babies into households that don't want them. This leads to more dysfunctional families with great psychological harm to the child, that is likely to be perpetuated through generations.  I'm sure that a few parents who didn't want the child become nurturing parents after the birth, but the vast numbers don't.

* I find it interesting that people say that Democrats must widen their "tent" and permit Pro-Life candidates into their elective politics.  While I agree with this, I find it strange because there seems to be no problem with Republicans having a litmus test on the abortion issue.

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