Friday, January 12, 2018


Herein is my seventh annual summary of posts on my blog "Reunite Gondwanaland."  As of the end of 2017, the blog had  over 79,000 page views and contains more than 900 items of which more than 202 were published in 2017, compared to 172 in 2016.  Since the origin of the blog in November of 2009, each year has seen more published items than the year before.  It is gratifying that people are looking at the Table Of Contents that has recieved 4,580 page views.

The most populat item judged by page views for a 2017 piece goes to the little eight-line poem "Teenager" published on January 5th and is the only item to have received more than 600 page views at 623.  All-time, however, goes to the short piece, "What Does this Mean?" with 748 page views published in September 2012. (  The post consists entirely of one rather long sentence,What can you say about a nation that opposes unions for teachers, firemen, and police, but supports the professional National Football League referee's union?  Are our priorities straight?"  It still gets a page view now and then.

Number 2 for 2017 is "Michael Flynn" ( with 519 page views followed by Numbers 3 and 4 "Parallel Government" ( and "Pugnacious Politics"   (  The former had 505 pages views and the latter 501.

"Illegal Immigration" drew 491 page views as the 5th most viewed ( Curiously, numbers 2 and 5 were published a day apart as were numbers 3 and 4.  The same is true of #6 ans #7 " Conservative Ideals" (170) and "Trump's Humor" (166 also)

Additional pieces with fewer than 200 page views but more than 100:
"Mexico Earthquakes" drew spot number #8  with 158 page views.

Posts #9 and 10 each got 151 page views, a day apart, following the trend above, "New Malls,"  October 27th ( and "Presidential Decorum" on October 26th (

  Number 11 in popularity was "Paid Patriotism" with 146 page views ( ). The post on "Sheriff Joe" ( garnered 142 page views for 12th place, edging out "Rex Tillerson" ( garnered 141 page views for the 13th spot.

My peersonal favorites are somewhat different.
I consider "Corporate Tax Cuts: Unintended Consequences" to be one of my best publications, but it got only 71 page views(

It is right up there with" Effectiveness Of Taxes" posted way back in May of 2010 and is my personal favorite.  While this piece ultimately has received 131 page views, which is nice, it hardly competes in favorability with many others published since.(

I repeat an analysis of the Great Depression from the 2016 report: "New in 2016 is a series of three posts examining the Great Recession Vs. The Great Depression (;; and .  Here I note how dangerous financial collapses are relative to recessions and the Great Recession involved a financial collapse somewhat like 1929.  There is a dangerous hangover from financial collapses.  After the 1929 financial collapse many people turned to Soviet-Style Communism, fortunately not enough to alter our political system.  In the 2008-2009 financial collapse, people turned to Donald Trump, not truly a member of either political party (Democrats or the establishment Republicans)."*  It is yet to be seen how this turns out.

Let me repeat two Honorable Mentions from the 2016 report*. I wouldn't say this is a favorite of mine, but it can be important to some, i.e. "Preferred Stock Investing" with 235 page views   []. I have invested for about 60 years, but never got involved in preferred stocks until the last decade. I would also like to mention one additional poem, though it got only 19 page views "Upon the Second Anniversary Of Apollo 11," the first landing on the Moon []. Normally a couplet or more just pops into my mind and I construct a poem around it. The second anniversary of Apollo Eleven, however, was little noticed which I thought was terrible so this was the first time I sat down to compose a poem from scratch

 Also among poems, my favorite couplet that I have ever written is in  "So How About An Asteroid" (Poem) []:
Who could possibly be annoyed
About the study of an asteroid.

My favorite stanza is from  "On Age 82" (Poem) []: 
I do not text
And do not tweet
I'm 82 years old
Feeling kind of beat..


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