Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Well that was quick.  Michael Flynn has taken a bullet for the President  after all and has resigned from being President Trump's National Security Adviser after all.*  So one Putin asset is down.

People are asking, "What did Trump know and when did he know it?"  Can Trump last his first term.? Heck can Trump last out his first year?**

Well Trump has not yet repealed President Obama's most recent sanctions, to say nothing of the older ones.  He also warned Russia about a nuclear device race.  So he has backed off Putin a little bit.

The hero of all this is former Acting Secretary Sally Yates who warned President Trump that Gen Flynn was seriously compromised and susceptible to blackmail.  She also said that she wasn't sure that Trump's Muslim Ban was legal and got fired for it.***    Sally Yates, our hero.

Trump should have taken Yates seriously because four judges (two Republican and two Democratic) have put national holds on the Muslim Ban.  Since Trump has tried to panic people about his executive order because ISIS supporters from seven countries might be pouring into the U.S., you would think that Trump would issue a new valid executive order to place a hold on new visas for three months while the visa process is reviewed.  He hasn't done so.  I don't know what he does about a long-term ban on Muslim refugees from Syria.   Not very kind of us in view of there being no problem up to now.

* http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/14/first-read-flynns-departure-raises-more-questions-than-it-answers.html
** http://www.businessinsider.com/putin-trump-ukraine-russia-dossier-2017-1
*** http://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/news/2017/02/14/atlantan-sally-yates-warned-trump-white-house.html

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