Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Herein is my sixth annual summary of posts on my blog "Reunite Gondwanaland."  As of the end of 2016, the blog had 51,000 page views and contains more than 700 items of which more than 170 were published in 2016, compared to 120 in 2015 that was a few greater than 2014's 111.

Much to my surprise, the posted article with the most page views, all time, is titled simply "Infrastructure Program" with more than 440 page views (My first post to top 400 page views) (  Number two on the list is titled "Detroit ?" that appeared on October 26, 2016 ( with more than 350 page views published in October of 2016 (It was actually my first post to top 300 page views).  Number 3 of the top ten is the "Break Even Price Of Fracking" with 297 page views from October  8, 2014 (

Also joining the select list of posts with more than 200 page views is a biographical piece titled simply "Enabling" with more than 220 page views  and posted on October 10, 2016 (  There are four other biographical pieces with more than 200 page view which, in order of the decreasing number of page views are: "My Maternal Grandmothers" (October 7, 2013), "You Are So Lucky" (November 23, 2009), "Tea Cup Seismograph" (August 12, 2014), and "Muammar Qaddaf And Me."

Rounding out the top 10 viewed posts of mine on the blog, surprisingly, is a very short piece called "What Does This Mean?" from September 28, 2012 with more than 210 page views.  The piece is so short that I reproduce the text here in its entirety: What can you say about a nation that opposes unions  for teachers, firemen, and police, but supports the professional National Football League referee's union?  Are our priorities straight?

There is a section on Poems By Others on the blog.  In this small collection is a fun poem by Ogden Nash that I have called "Fossils" from January 9, 2013.  It has racked up more than 560 page views.  There are many ways to see this poem on the internet so I am rather surprised to see so many people found it on my blog.  It is a good one for sure.  It was included in the music for Carnival of The Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns.  You may hear this music at:

People are making use of my Table of contents now with more than 1,440 page views (

Though all the above is gratifying, my own favorites depart from my "winners" to some extent.  I feel that the best post I ever wrote is "Effectiveness of Taxes"  ( This appeared May 7, 2010,  is listed as receiving 124 page views, not bad, but also not in the top 10 and. Basics of Bureaucracy [] with 134. In the former, I point out why decreasing taxes on individuals is an inefficient way to stimulate the economy. I liked this so much that I refer to it in three other pieces. In the latter that was written many years ago, I give some real rules of dealing with bureaucrats in a humorous fashion.

New to this group is a series of three posts examining the Great Recession Vs. The Great Depression (;; and .  Here I note how dangerous financial collapses are relative to recessions and the Great Recession involved a financial collapse somewhat like 1929.  There is a dangerous hangover from financial collapses.  After the 1929 financial collapse many people turned to Soviet-Style Communism, fortunately not enough to alter our political system.  In the 2008-2009 financial collapse, people turned to Donald Trump, not truly a member of either political party (Democrats or the establishment Republicans).  It is yet to be seen how this turns out.

Let me give two Honorable Mentions. I wouldn't say this is a favorite of mine, but it can be important to some, i.e. Preferred Stock Investing []. I have invested for about 60 years, but never got involved in preferred stocks until the last decade. I would also like to mention one poem Upon the Second Anniversary Of Apollo 11, the first landing on the Moon []. Normally a couplet or more just pops into my mind and I construct a poem around it. The second anniversary of Apollo Eleven, however, was little noticed which I thought was terrible so this was the first time I sat down to compose a poem from scratch.

 Also among poems, my favorite couplet that I have ever written is in  "So How About An Asteroid" (Poem) []:
Who could possibly be annoyed
About the study of an asteroid.

My favorite stanza is from  "On Age 82" (Poem) []: 
I do not text
And do not tweet
I'm 82 years old
Feeling kind of beat.

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