Wednesday, November 9, 2016


So the first woman candidate for president by a major party loses to a con man.*  As I wrote in August of 2016:
There is nothing quite like trying to con the public into voting for you for president when you have no qualifications.  Even Obama had a few.  What is the old saying: You can fool all of the people some of the time., you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.  Well Donald Trump is trying.

Look on the bright side.  It could have been Ted Cruz.

I realized even in 2015 that Donald Trump tailored his campaign to appeal to the Deplorables. and it worked. Here is what I wrote in December of 2015:
ALL his comments are carefully crafted to appeal to this large group of people who believe Obama was born outside the U.S., that he is a secret Muslim, that all Hispanic illegals should be deported, that we should build a wall on our southern border, that Muslims should not be allowed to enter America (I suspect many would find the idea appealing that all Muslims should be deported or placed in detention camps.), etc., etc.  It isn't pretty folks but there it is.  You aren't going to solve this hate by getting rid of Trump.  It will still be out there, as Trump is following these people, not leading them.**
Well we will find out just how much Trump believed in his message.

I do have big worries about Trump's love affair with Putin.***  I'm surprised people went along with this,  And twice he said that American labor is paid too much, but the Deplorables ignored this.

In the end, all sorts of people voted for Trump including college educated women.  Yes, Hillary got a larger vote from them, but not nearly as big as expected.  Frankly, I don't know how any woman could vote for Trump, but I conclude that being a womanizer is now off the table as an issue in running for president, just as being divorced is.  This opens the door to a lot of men for the future.

I think that Hillary ran as fine a campaign as possible.  I don't know what she could have done better.  She did loads of appearances.  She raised loads of money.   She had a great ground game. I don't know what she could have done better. She had a popular president behind her, she had celebrities for her, and she had a fine crew of surrogates, including Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden,  Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, and Tim Kaine (her running mate), among others .  She spoke well.  She had an upbeat message until she felt it necessary to get down in the mud with Trump.

My take away form this is that we have found that it is very difficult to beat a well known entertainer.  At least Ronald Reagan knew how to act presidential.


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