Tuesday, April 19, 2016


The degree that Republicans like to control what goes on in our bedrooms seems to know no bounds and even would be sort of funny if they weren't so serious.  The late Supreme Court Justice Scalia, for example, bemoaned the disappearance of laws that made masturbation illegal. * Sometime candidate for President and former Senator Rick Santorum bemoaned the repeal of a Connecticut law that barred married people from using contraceptives in their bedrooms.* Now Senator and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz supported a bill banning the use of dildos.**  (Incidentally, the reference works if you can highlight it and copy it into the address bar.)  He claimed it was like hiring a prostitute.  Fortunately his case was thrown out by a Federal appeals court.

I probably could find more examples if I tried, but these are enough.  We actually have and had such people in the highest levels of our government.

* http://stopcontinentaldrift.blogspot.com/2009/12/in-end-liberalism-wins.html
** http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/04/13/1514818/-Call-of-the-Dildos-The-Ted-Cruz-Story?detail=email&link_id=2&can_id=af3794f2758d0c72ac0763afb2350d28&source=email-the-first-lady-of-crazy-conservatives-is-facing-a-hostile-takeover-after-endorsing-trump&email_referrer=the-first-lady-of-crazy-conservatives-is-facing-a-hostile-takeover-after-endorsing-trump&email_subject=the-first-lady-of-crazy-conservatives-is-facing-a-hostile-takeover-after-endorsing-trump

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