Monday, February 2, 2015


Well the media is at it again and praising the Iraq war movie American Sniper and blasting all the other Iraq movies.  I've seen the movie American Sniper, and yes it is a fine movie in my opinion.  I also think that Clint Eastwood deserved to be nominated for Best director for the Oscars.  I think the critics of past Iraq/Afghanistan movies are forgetting the movie Hurt Locker* (screen play by Mark Boal) which I also saw and liked it just as much, if not more, than American Sniper.  And, after all, it did win six Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director (Kathryn Bigelow), and Best Original Screenplay.  Just think, a woman making war movies, and the first woman to get an Oscar for Best Director.  Unlike American Sniper, it was not a big hit at the box office.

The news media now downplays the quality of another highly acclaimed movie about bin Laden but placed finally in Pakistan.  I also saw the Bigelow/Boal movie Zero Dark Thirty about the hunt for bin Laden that was nominated for 5 Oscars (winning one) and 4 Golden Globe awards including one for Bigelow and winning Best Actress.

I think Bigelw and Boal are given a bum rap.

All these movies do not accurately follow the biography of the heroes, but I feel that they are historical fiction that should not detract from the quality of the movies or the overall historical importance.


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