Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I have a hard time getting excited over so-called Inflategate.  Football is after all just another war game.  It seems to me that the whole furor about Inflategate is a canard because both sides played with the same footballs didn't they?  But wait wait, NO, it turns out that the offenses of  the Patriots and their opponents PLAYED WITH DIFFERENT FOOTBALLS!  Incredible.  a system made for corruption.  On the other hand, the Patriots played with properly inflated footballs in the second half and scored 35 points.  Throw out the first half if you want, the Patriots still won by a good margin.  After all, the Patriots even scored more points on rushing than the total score of the Colts, including three in the first half when the Colts could manage only one touchdown.

Of course it is legal for the two sides to roughen the new footballs their offense is going to play with.  I don't know how much difference it may make, but the two quarterbacks might like the ball roughened in different ways and that is legal.  Perhaps that is the reason for the two offenses playing with different footballs?

Can anyone really get excited over Inflategate?  Lets go on to more important things, for Heaven's Sake.

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