Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Though there are those fanatics who claim that life begins at conception, there are those who say the fertilized egg must attach to the  uterine wall.*  The attachment occurs six to 12 days after fertilization.  Day eight seems to be the most successful.

The longer it takes the egg to attach to the uterine wall, the less likely the egg will attach.**

On day 11 50% of pregnancies fail and  and on day 12 , that number jumps to over 80%.

"The risk of early loss was strongly related to the time of implantation," the authors wrote. "Early loss was least likely when implantation occurred by the ninth day (13 early losses among 102 pregnancies, or 13 percent) rising to 26 percent (14 of 53 pregnancies) when implantation occurred on the 10th day, 52 percent (12 of 23) on the 11th day and 82 percent (9 of 11) with implantation after day 11."

Three pregnancies in which the first rise in hormone occurred after day 12 ended by themselves.

Problems can occur all the way along in the pregnancy.  As for me, life begins when the fetus is out of the womb and takes a breath by itself.  Then you have a baby born.


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