Tuesday, August 13, 2013


George Orwell wrote a book called 1984 that has had a resurgence of sales since the finding that the NSA is compiling a data file of who we call.  A famous slogan in the novel is Big Brother Is Watching You.  We have a TV station that scrolls through the programs that are running on TV at the bottm of the screen.  But the main screen after a certain time at night runs a program called Big Brother.  I don't really watch the program, but it seems to me that it is for young people laying around who want to watch young people laying around.  Big Brother seems to be the TV camera.  So far as I am concerned, the program is a lot like watching grass grow.  About the most exciting thing I have seen is an attractive young lady going to the refrigerator to get a glass of milk.

So I have Googled the program (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_(TV_series  This article discusses the program in great detail.).   In various formats, Big Brother is very popular and runs in many countries, but I have seen only the American version.  Ah, it turns out that every week someone is chosen by the "contestants" to be evicted and the last person remaining wins -- something, often big.  It seems sometimes there are angry and  violent confrontations, but not while I was watching.  It might be interesting, when two "contestants" are remaining, how one of them gets evicted.  After all, the one evicted must agree to be evicted?

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