Tuesday, November 20, 2012


What I want to know is what did Mitt Romney know about the Hostess Brands rape by Vulture Capitalists (Ahh, private equity) and when did he know it?  Did he keep it suppressed until after the election to prevent a rout in the presidential election because he was a prior private equity executive?  Are their workers part of the hated 47% who pay no income taxes?  Where is Senator McCain when we need him?

It was because of Wonder bread that induced the saying, "The greatest thing since sliced bread." was introduced and was loved for sandwiches because it had no holes and didn't dry out quickly.  Hostess cupcakes were heavily advertised in my youth.  And then there are the beloved Twinkies, more than anything.

Take away my Social Security, but don't touch my wonder Bread, Hostess cupcakes, and Twinkies.  Wait, I don't get Social Security.  All the better.  Take it away.  That will teach the hated 47%.


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