Friday, October 14, 2011


The three states with the highest percentage of Hispanics are: New Mexico 46.3%, California 37.6 & Texas with 37.6%.

The states with the lowest percentage of Hispanics are: West Virginia 1.2%, Maine 1.3% & Vermont 1.5%

The two states passing highly restrictive immigration laws for Hispanics are: Alabama with only 3.9% (the most restrictive) & Arizona 29.6%.

The entire list is:

Ala. 3.9%... Miss. 2.7%... Va. 7.9%
Alaska 5.5... Mo. 3.5...Wash. 11.2
Ariz. 29.6... Mont. 2.9... W.VA. 1.2
Ark. 6.4... Neb. 26.5... Wis. 5.9
Calif. 37.6... Nev. 26.5...Wyo. 8.9
Colo. 20.7... N.H. 2.8
Conn. 13.4... N.J. 17.7
Del. 8.2... N.M. 46.3
D.C. 9.1... N.Y. 17.6
Fla. 22.5...N.C. 8.4
Ga. 8.8... N.D. 2.0
Hawaii 8.9... Ohio 3.1
Idaho 11.2... Okla. 8.9
Ill. 15.8... Ore. 11.7
Ind. 6.0... Pa. 5.7
Iowa 5.0... R.I. 12.4
Kan. 10.5... S.C. 5.1
Ky. 3.1... S.D. 2.7
La. 4.2... Tenn. 4.6
Maine 1.3... Texas 37.6
Md. 8.2... Utah 13.0
Mass. 9.6... Vt. 1.5
Mich. 4.4
Minn. 4.7

Taken from June 2011. Data source: U.S. Census Bureau.

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