Friday, July 23, 2010


The reason that things are so messed up in Iran is due to BP's (then the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company) lobbying the British government to get the U.S. to overthrow Prime Minister Mossadeq of a duly elected Iranian parliamentarian government, which the CIA did. ( Relations with Iran and the U.S. have gone downhill ever since.

Now it is alleged that BP lobbied for the exchange of parishioners in the Lockerbee bombing over Scotland ( where the bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi of Pan Am Flight 103 was released because he supposedly had terminal cancer. BP is said to have stated that the slowness of the prisoner exchange was endangering an offshore drilling agreement with Libya (

Isn't it strange how BP keeps hopping up in connection with so many disasters, such as the Texas refinery explosion of 2005 where 15 were killed and 170 injured, and, of course, the mega environmental disaster of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and major oil spill problem which is still ongoing.

President Obama wants a six month moratorium on new deep water drilling. It seems to me only reasonable for the Deepwater Horizon out-of-control well be solved before more deep water drilling is undertaken. Should President Obama allow more drilling at this time and another such oil spill occur, he no doubt would be not only politically damaged but his administration would be over. My understanding is that a group of oil companies have gotten together to make plans for a rapid response to another deep water oil well spill and is setting rules on the types of drill mud and casing to be used. This is exactly what is needed and is to be applauded, and it may not take a full six months to expedite it.

Snip: "Critically, the new system is expected to be deployed within 24 hours of an offshore spill, and to be able to fully contain the oil spilled within weeks, said Sara Ortwein, a vice president of engineering at Exxon, which has taken the lead in setting up the spill plan.
A new nonprofit entity, called the Marine Well Containment Company, will be created and be in charge of operating and maintaining this emergency capability. The entity, modeled in part after the Marine Spill Response Corporation, which was set up after the 1989
Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, will also finance research to look into new ways of tackling an underwater spill." (

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