Saturday, February 27, 2016


So the Republican Party has a problem.  For a couple of decades, the party has enjoyed the support of the white working class without giving them anything except to say in election years that they are "The Real Americans."  As the working class wages have stagnated and losing purchasing power through inflation, the aristocracy of the Republican Party has really felt the working class is overpaid.   Even Donald Trump has said this on at least two occasions (He later said that he was talking about the minimum wage, but a depreciating minimum wage keeps all wages down.).*  But now they are hopping mad and see a chance to take over the Republican Party through Donald Trump who talks like they do.

Particularly over the last 7 yrs, Republicans have stirred up a hate pot with the majority leader of the Senate saying first that his aim was to prevent Obama getting a second term and, when Obama did, instituted a "scorched Earth policy" of refusing to pass bills that even the Republicans want.  The latest is that he will not take up a nomination to the supreme court, supposedly because it is the final year of the Obama administration.  It should be left to the next president which means that the supreme court will have to get along with eight members, probably at least for two years if Hillary is elected President. The House has been even worse.  Both have egged on this hatred, and now they are feeling the "Revolt Of The Great Republican Unwashed" along with a wealthier Republican contingent that likes to say things like "Sit Down And Shut Up" (the Chris Christy wing).**  Donald Trump has come along who speaks their language and now the Republican Party is having to "stew in their own juices" that they fomented.

Chris Christy has now even endorsed Donald Trump.  One wonders what he wants to get out of his endorsement.  Secretary of Defense is not a good fit and Secretary of State is out for someone who "tells it like it is."  I've got it, Secretary of Transportation where he has lots of experience.  OK, joking aside, how about Chief of Staff?


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