We know, or should know, that our President is lying until proven otherwise. When he says things like "many people say so," and "some lawyers say" or similar phrases, actually he has not talked to anyone. It is hard to train yourself to doubt everything our President says.
Remember Donald Trump's proposal of a 10% tax cut for the Middle Class only? We were supposed to see the write-up of the bill probably before November 01. Well, it is November 03 and no bill. My guess is that this is the last we hear of this unless the news media bring it up. Actually, the bill doesn't sound like a Republican bill as they wouldn't just give a tax cut to the Middle Class without a larger cut for the wealthy. I'd like to see the Republicans bring such a bill up for discussion and a vote in Congress. They could probably get some Democrats to come along as it would be more of a Democratic bill than Republican (but watch out for the fine print). In fact, if the Democrats would take control of Congress, they might float a tax cut for the Middle Class and might even get some Republicans to join them and make it bipartisan (though I doubt it).
For example, the 5,200 to 15,000 armed forces on our Southern Border. Our president tells us that the first troops are there and setting up. I say, "where are the pictures, President Trump?" Actually, there are pictures that show a beginning of such a move. Here is one reported by Stars and Strips.*
(Click on figure to enlarge)
The Washington Post includes a picture of troops spreading razor wire.*
Note added Nov. 06:
Pentagon spokesman Colonel Robert Manning told reporters more than 4,800 troops were already deployed near the border as of Monday in support of Operation Faithful Patriot, including 1,100 troops in California, 1,100 in Arizona and 2,600 in Texas. He anticipated that the number of active duty troops could reach 7,000 soon.*
I feel sorry for these troops because I presume they are probably going to be at the Southern border for at least months until the Caravan arrives. Will the deployment stop after the election? There are already 2,100 National Guard troops have been at the border since April. No doubt all this will be paid for on the cuff (i.e. borrowed).
Then there is the President's claim that Republicans will take care of "preexisting conditions" in health better than the Democrats who were the first to cover preexisting conditions with the ACA (Obamacare). Many Republicans running for office now say they are for covering preexisting conditions in health care.** These even include governors of Florida and Wisconsin who are members of a group trying to make the ACA illegal.**
A cute one is by Rep. Martha McSally, a retired Air Force Colonel, who has voted against the ACA but at least briefly came out for it (at least the preexisting conditions part). Now she really doesn't want to talk about it. REALLY DOESN'T. Somehow, McSally is known as a centrist though she votes with Trump 97% of the time. There are rare occasions, however, where she votes for the people. Somehow, I thought that a woman military officer would be more centrist than male officers.
As with the tax cut for the Middle Class, I think Republicans being for coverage of preexisting health conditions will disappear after the election. In fact, Senate Leader Mike McConnell has said he would like to have a vote after the election to repeal the ACA.***
Then there is the weird Trump claim about getting rid of, by Executive Order, the part of the 14 Amendment to the Constitution (passed in 1968) that has long been interpreted that children born in the U.S. are U.S. citizen.
But his [Trump's]
interest in repealing birthright citizenship isn't a new idea. Lee says for the last 30 years or so, there have been several overtures by the political right to explore "citizenship reform," a timeline that she says aligns with the ascendancy of modern American conservatism.****
Though Trump cannot get rid of the birthright clause of the 14th Amendment by Executive Order, would the Supreme Court really reinterpret the 14th Amendment and overturn the birthright clause to not include the children of non-citizens born in the U.S. as has been done for 150 yrs.? I don't know, but any Supreme Court that approves of the Citizen's United and Hobby Lobby decisions could do anything, in my opinion.
"There have been attempts since the 1990s to break away birthright citizenship, or narrow it down, and it did not seem that they would have a chance at succeeding until now," she says.
"To me this not only reflects the ascendancy of an extreme right position but also a return to a very narrow and exclusionary definition of Americanness."****
* https://www.stripes.com/news/us/trump-might-send-up-to-15k-troops-to-us-mexico-border-1.554452
Added Nov. 06: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/pentagon-border-troops-detention-facilities/2018/11/05/id/889436/?ns_mail_uid=142cf6cb-b757-4a77-afda-d3310b9288ee&ns_mail_job=DM8031_11062018&s=acs&dkt_nbr=0101045ul26n
** http://stopcontinentaldrift.blogspot.com/2018/10/republicans-come-to-jesus-moment.html
*** https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mitch-mcconnell-repeal-obamacare-election_us_5bc7893ce4b0d38b58748f19
**** https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/31/us/14th-amendment-birthright-citizenship-explainer-trnd/index.html