Monday, August 6, 2018


Although I can name many Republicans in non-elected positions who are for America (Dep. Attorney Gen. Rob Rosenstein, Dir. DNI Dan Coasts, Sec. James Mattis, FBI Director Christopher Wray, a new name to me Head Of The National Security Agency Gen Paul Nakasone, among others), I really can't name many Republican elected politicians.  Then some appointed politicians seem to be for America some of the time.  For example, Kirstjen Michele Nielsen of homeland security joined the group of national security members to warn of a severe Russian threat to our national security.   Most of the time, however, she goes along with the administration, e.g. the immigration children separation, etc.  Perhaps she felt safe in a group.

Note added August 6th:  I should mention that John McCain is for America though he is unable to vote anymore because of his cancer.  He has been a beam of truth in a cloud of despair.

Though I can't find any elected Republicans that are consistently for America with the possible exception of Maine Sen. Susan Collins, some seem to be for America some of the time, i.e. Alaska Sen.  Lisa Murkowski and South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham.  Some others, for examples, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, and Orin Hatch, who are not seeking reelection, often come out with pro-America statements, though they too knuckle under in certain cases.  On occasion Paul Ryan says things that are pro-America, he has done nothing to roping in Russia asset  DevenNunes.  He also seems to be ineffective on the House Freedom Caucus.  When he decided not to run for office again, maybe he should have just retired.  I'm not sure because his replacement might be even worse.

When Trump was elected, the Republican Party ceased to be one that talked about individual liberties and upward mobility. Being a Republican in the Trump era meant excusing racially insensitive remarks made by the president, dismissing hush payments made to porn actresses, and condemning serious investigations into Trump’s attempts to obstruct other investigations. The party of individual responsibility packed its bags and left for a bellicose strongman who promised to care for all of Americans’ needs through the sheer force of his personality.*

Though Bob Corker said he would not vote for a funding bill that had a dime of the deficit, he ended up signing the government tax-cut funding bill that had a trillion dollars or so in deficit.  He claimed it was possible that the economy would grow so much as to balance out.  Well, that's optimism for. you.  When news media called him on this, he claimed the media to be unfair.

There has been lots of attack on Peter Strzok by Republicans for sending anti-Trump text messages to a woman friend.  Though he won't say, my guess is that he votes Republican though he may not have voted for Donald Trump.  I once said I thought that 90% of military officers are Republican and some of my military friends said they thought I was too conservative.  The FBI is a quasi-military organization so I presume, like the military, 90% of FB{I agents are Republican.  In fact, many FBI agents come from the military.  While I think that Strzok wasn't biased in his duties, he deserves some sort of reprimand or even firing for using government property for personal conversations.


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