Wednesday, January 31, 2018


I have been trying to figure out Rep. Devin Nunes for a long time.  I concluded that he was after some position in the Trump White House, most probably Secretary of Agriculture.  But, like Trump, Nunies seems to have some association with Russia.  I hope he is not a Russian agent,* but he is at least a Russian asset, either wittingly or unwittingly.

I am hardly alone in this supposition.  This morning on Morning Joe, John Heilman made the same statement that Devin Nunes was acting like a Russian agent.**  Vladimir Putin must be laughing his head off.

The idea, however, that Nunes is a Russian agent instead of asset seems to be overblown.  It owes to Nunes being an investor in a winery that sold 22 cases of wine to a Russian distributor in 2013.  The size of Nunes's investment is rather small and ties to Russia are obscure as analyzed by Snopes.*

I am shocked by how much the U.S. Congress has turned pro-Russia so fast.  We really need to have a Democratic Congress elected in the fall because I doubt that President Trump will ever be be considered for impreachment by a Republican Congress.  Even in the case of Nixon, most Republicans were against impeachment even after all the information came out.***

But if a Democratic President ever did something like withold sanctions against Russia, like Trump is doing,*** he probably would be impeached the next day in a Republican Congress.  I believe with Nixon, his "impoundment of funds" in 1971**** was maybe more important than the Watergate Breakin.


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