Thursday, April 13, 2017


The fastest position to be filled in the Trump administration is the Secretary of Veteran's Affairs David Shulkin at 34 days by a unanimous vote of 100 - 0!  He is followed by John f. Kelly for the Dept. of Homeland Security at 44 days with a vote of 88 - 11; however,  Defense Secretary James Mattis passed with a vote of 98 - 1 (second to David Shulkin) though it took 50 days.  See the figure below.

Two positions are still pending, Sonny Perdue at the Dept. of Agriculture, and David Acosta at the Dept. of Labor (The delay on Acosta is more understandable because he replaced Andrew Puzder who withdrew after consideration for a long time).

The position with the narrowest approval is, of course, Betsy DeVos who was approved by a 51-50 vote decided by the Vice-President.

(Click on figure to enlarge)

Rather unusual is that there are no holdovers from the Obama Administration, though very recently Trump shows some favor for Fed chief Janet Yellen.  Obama, however had several hod overs including the Dept of Defense Robert Gates and reappointed Fed Chief Ben Bernanke.  Others are Sheila Bair (FDIC) and Ray LaHood (Transportation).  Other Republicans appointed by Obama are Former Rep. John McHugh from upstate New York, as Army secretary; Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who was a Mormon missionary in China in his youth, as ambassador to China; Francis Collins, an evangelical Christian, as director of the National Institutes of Health though not a Republican.**

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