Monday, August 17, 2015


DONALD TRUMP.  When you hear the weekend news programs, Morning Joe, and perhaps others, you only hear about Donald Trump and how poorly the rest are doing.  But wait, wait!  Donald Trump is getting about 25% of the votes in polls.  That means that 75% of the people polled are not for Donald Trump!  You don't hear that.

Most Republicans the new media meets must not be for Donald Trump, it means the news media is carefully selecting audiences to give support to Donald Trump.  Boy the free advertising he is getting compared to any other candidate.  He must be rolling on the floor and laughing.

What they should do is ask the 75% not polling for The Donald who is their second choice.  I haven't ever heard this question asked of any of the candidate other and Donald Troop so I don't know the answer.  But for Trump supporters, the second choice seems to be the African American Ben Carson!  I think it would be wonderful if the Republican Party nominated an African American for President, even if I don't like him and I don't.

I am much bothered by the religious nature of the Republican Party, and especially that this crazy idea that a fertilized egg is a "person."  Actually, pregnancy doesn't begin until the fertilized egg attaches to the  wall of the womb and that can take as long as 10 or even 122 days, something you don't hear about.  There is plenty of time for a fertilized egg to be expelled from the woman, and I suspect that most fertilized eggs are expelled or women would be pregnant all the time.  I admit I can't find any references to back this up, but it just stands to reason.  So far as I know, no one worries (yet) about these expelled "persons."

Well, Ben Carson hoes the party line on abortion for ALL cases.  For that matter, so does Marco Rubio, a former media favorite.  Donald Trump, however, is more nuanced in that he would permit abortion for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.  I heard him try to say that when it comes to which life to save, he would choose the born over the unborn.  This is contrary to the Roman Catholic  dogma that seems to rule the Republican Party.*

Marco Rubio is an Hispanic American, albeit from Cuba and not Mexico.  It may be that Republicans are more likely to accept a Cuban American (a favored class) than a Mexican American (and other Hispanic) Americans; however, I am on record saying Rubio is one candidate that will not be chosen and so far his poll numbers support this, rather to the surprise of the news media.**

I have also said that John Kasich is my choice for a Republican president if I have to have one, but that Scott Walker will probably win the nomination.*** I continue to go along with this although currently Walker is not doing that well in the polls, but he has strong Republican credentials in breaking a teacher's union and getting Wisconsin to be a Right to Work state.  And Kasich seems to be a real Christian in that he feels we need to take care of those less fortunate than we are, in contrast to the Religious Right who seem to feel the poor are all lazy trash.


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